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  1. › wiki › 19011901 - Wikipedia

    Significance of 1901 for modern computers. The date of Friday December 13 20:45:52 1901 is significant for modern computers because it is the earliest date representable with a signed 32-bit integer on systems that reference time in seconds since the Unix epoch. This corresponds to -2147483648 seconds from Thursday January 1 00:00:00 1970.

  2. Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de las Revoluciones de México. ISBN 978-607-7916-66-6. Consultado el 18 de agosto de 2021. Categorías: Anexos:México por año. 1904 por país. México en 1904.

  3. Élete[szerkesztés] Egy Szilágy megyei faluban, Érmindszenten, [5] elszegényedett nemesi családban született. Édesapja diósadi Ady Lőrinc ( 1851 – 1929 ), kisparaszti gazdálkodó, édesanyja tiszaeszlári Pásztor Mária ( 1858 – 1937 ), református lelkipásztorok leszármazottja volt. Egy nővére (Ilona, aki még egyéves kora ...

  4. La Exposición Universal de San Luis, también llamada Louisiana Purchase Exposition, fue una Exposición Universal que estuvo coordinada por la Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company y el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, y que tuvo lugar del 30 de abril al 1 de diciembre de 1904, en la ciudad estadounidense de San Luis, Misuri. 1 2 .

  5. November 24 – A continuous track tractor is demonstrated by the Holt Manufacturing Company in the United States. The first diesel engined submarine, the Z, is built in France. The Heckelphone variety of oboe is invented by Wilhelm Heckel and his sons. The sleeve valve is invented by Charles Yale Knight.

  6. 1908 →. The men's marathon at the 1904 Summer Olympics in St. Louis, United States, took place on August 30 of that year, over a distance of 24 miles 1500 yards (40 km). [1] It proved to be a bizarre affair due to poor organization and officiating. [2] The race was run during the hottest part of the day on dusty country roads, with only two ...

  7. The Vaccine Revolt ( Portuguese: Revolta da Vacina) was a popular riot that took place between 10 and 16 November 1904 in the city of Rio de Janeiro, then the capital of Brazil. Its immediate pretext was a law that made vaccination against smallpox compulsory, but it is also associated with deeper causes, such as the urban reforms being carried ...