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  1. 23 de nov. de 2013 · Yet the art instruction at the Academie Julian was at least on a par with that of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, and some might say even better. There was official recognition of this fact when, in the 1880s, Academie Julian students were made eligible to compete for the Ecole's prestigeous Prix de Rome (an all-expenses-paid year to study art in Rome).

  2. Académie Julian was founded in 1867 in Montmartre, offering students studies of live models and sessions of corrections with well-reputed artists. In 1880, a course for women was created. In 1885, the school had four hundred female students. The Académie would play an important role in the formation of American artists, from North and South.

  3. Uma das funções da Académie Julian era justamente preparar os alunos para tais provas de ingresso. Dispondo de modelos pagos por 8 horas por dia durante o ano inteiro 11, mediante pagamento de mensalidade, qualquer interessado poderia exercitar-se no desenho do corpo humano, tão central dentre as habilidades esperadas de um artista acadêmico.

  4. 29 de nov. de 2023 · Académie Julian. O ateliê do pintor Rodolphe Julian abre as suas portas em 1868, apresentando-se como uma alternativa para a formação dos candidatos à carreira artística que não logram ingressar na École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, em Paris, seja em função dos duríssimos concursos de admissão da escola, seja por se ...

  5. Other articles where Académie Julian is discussed: Henri Matisse: Formative years: …enrolled in the privately run Académie Julian, where the master was the strictly academic William-Adolphe Bouguereau. That Matisse should have begun his studies in such a conservative school may seem surprising, and he once explained the fact by saying that he was acting on the recommendation of a Saint ...

  6. L'Acadèmia Julian fou una escola privada de pintura i d'escultura, fundada a París el 1867 pel pintor francès Rodolphe Julian. Història [ modifica ] Originalment situada al Passage des Panoramas al 9è arrondissement de París , l'Acadèmia obrí després dos tallers més, el primer a la Rue du Dragon núm. 31, al districte 6è , i l'altre a la Rue Vivienne núm. 51, al districte 2n .

  7. The prestigious “Académie Julian” was established in 1868 by Rodolphe Julian as a private studio school for art students, preparing them for the entrance exams of the renowned “École des Beaux-Arts” (School of Fine Arts) and also offering them independent training in arts.