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  1. 30 de abr. de 2020 · Leyendas de Ostroh. Ucrania. Con mucho cariño y amor comparto con vosotros algunas de las leyendas con las que crecí y en las que creía profundamente cuando era niña, las leyendas de mi ciudad natal – Ostroh, una de las más antiguas de Ucrania que en el s. XVI llegó a ser la quinta más importante y más grande del país, después de ...

  2. is a platform for academics to share research papers. Ku klasifikácii vrcholnostredovekých ostrôh z územia Slovenska (12.-15.storočie) / Classification of medieval spurns from Slovakia

  3. The end of the 15th century meant the end of using the medieval tactic in the warfare, which was based on the prestigious position of a knight in the army. This century brought great using of firearms, the infantry reached the foreground of the

  4. Ibn Rushd (A Decisive Treatise). Translation into Ukrainian by Mykhaylo Yakubovych. Ostroh, 2011.

  5. V severovýchodním sousedství Všenic, již na katastrálním území obce Stupno (okr. Rokycany), se nachází terénní situace, která nápadně připomíná pozůstatky opevněného sídla.

  6. is a platform for researchers to share and follow papers, courses, interests, and profiles in various disciplines.

  7. The chronicle of formation and revival. The National University of Ostroh Academy is the successor of Ostroh Slavic, Greek and Latin Academy, the first institution of higher education of the Eastern Slavs. It was founded in 1576 by Prince Vasyl-Kostiantyn of Ostroh. His niece, Princess Halshka of Ostroh, was the beneficiary of the Academy and ...