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  1. Ribot, Alexandre Félix Joseph. politician. Born 07 February 1842 in Saint-Omer, France. Died 13 January 1923 in Paris, France. Alexandre Ribot belonged to the French political elite for more than forty years. During the war, he was finance minister from 1914 to 1917 and prime minister ( Président du Conseil) from March to September 1917.

  2. Combining his legal career with political ambition, Ribot, a centrist, was elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1878 where he represented Pas-de-Calais. Having lost his seat in 1885 he regained it two years later, retaining it until being elected to the Senate in 1909. Appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs for two years from 1890-92, Ribot was ...

  3. 6 de dic. de 2012 · In 1878 Alexandre Ribot assumed his place at the left-center of the French Chamber of Deputies. From here he began a lifelong effort to establish a moderate republic based upon his conception of liberal political values.

  4. politician from France (1842-1923)

  5. Alexandre Félix Joseph Ribot, naixito de Saint-Omer (Paso de Calais, Norte-Paso de Calais, Francia) o 7 de febrero de 1842 y muerto en París (Isla de Francia) o 13 de chinero de 1923, estió un incheniero y politico francés, activo en a politica d'a Tercera Republica Francesa dende os anyos 1890 dica os anyos 1910, estando cuantas vegatas ministro y tamién Primer ministro en succesivos ...

  6. But the first wave of republican anti-clericalism revealed the fragility of Ribot's hopes. During the next forty years, successive dramatic phases in republican history - Boulangism, the Dreyfus Affair, separa­ tion of church and state, the emergence of socialism, and ultimately, the demands of wartime leadership - would test Ribot's system of political values.

  7. Parlementaire libéral protestant de grande qualité, Alexandre Ribot est un homme d'État éloquent et compétent. Modéré, il est l'élu de la Somme durant de longues années (1878-1923). Il s'oppose à la politique anticléricale, puis à la politique coloniale de Ferry, et lutte contre le boulangisme. Il devient président du Conseil en ...