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  1. › wiki › Alice_KeppelAlice Keppel - Wikipedia

    Alice Keppel, 1890. Lady Alice Frederica Edmonstone (coniugata Keppel) (Strathblane, 29 aprile 1868 – Bellosguardo, 11 settembre 1947) è stata una nobildonna scozzese, amante del re Edoardo VII (trisnonno di Carlo III) ed è la bisnonna della regina Camilla del Regno Unito, moglie dello stesso Carlo III.

  2. アリス・ケッペル. アリス・フレデリカ・エドモンストン・ケッペル ( Alice Frederica Edmonston Keppel, 1869年 10月14日 - 1947年 9月11日 )は、イギリス国王 エドワード7世 の愛妾(Royal Mistress)。. 「 La Favorita 」(お気に入り)の呼び名と共にエドワード7世の最愛の ...

  3. 23 de jul. de 2017 · Bertie and Alice met in 1898 while he was still the Prince of Wales, he was 56, and she was 29. Within a matter of weeks, Alice had become Bertie’s official mistress, and his previous lover Daisy Warwick was pushed aside. The Prince’s wife, Alexandra of Denmark, preferred Alice to Daisy as she was discreet and knew how to calm Bertie down ...

  4. Keppel, Alice (1869–1947)English aristocrat and influential mistress of King Edward VII. Name variations: Alice Edmonstone; Mrs. George Keppel. Born Alice Frederica Edmonstone in 1869 in Stirlingshire, Scotland; died on September 11, 1947, in Florence, Italy; youngest daughter of Admiral William Edmonstone and Mary (Parsons) Edmonstone (d.

  5. 19 de ene. de 2014 · Alice podría haber llevado una vida normal, e incluso haber vuelto a sus tareas de cortesana, si no hubiera estallado la I Guerra Mundial. Aunque los Keppel eran más ingleses que el té de las ...

  6. 27 de ago. de 2023 · La vida de Alice Keppel bajo el rey se volvió rica y serena. Ella siguió siendo su amante hasta el final de sus días. El rey murió en 1910.La era del rey Eduardo terminó con la muerte del monarca y su ex amante ya no era necesaria en la corte. Ese mismo año, Alice y su marido abandonaron el Reino Unido. Muchos creían que Keppel no podría aceptar la muerte del rey...

  7. Alice Keppel (born October 14, 1869, died November 22, 1947) was the most famous of the mistresses of King Edward VII. She was the great-grandmother of Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Alice Keppel's grandfather, a Lieutenant-Colonel John Whittle Parsons, had been the Governor of the Ionian Islands at a time when then were British.