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  1. Radiochemistry is the chemistry of radioactive materials, where radioactive isotopes of elements are used to study the properties and chemical reactions of non-radioactive isotopes (often within radiochemistry the absence of radioactivity leads to a substance being described as being inactive as the isotopes are stable).

  2. La química radioanalítica se centra en el análisis de la muestra por su contenido de radionúclidos. Se emplean varios métodos para purificar e identificar el radioelemento de interés a través de métodos químicos y técnicas de medición de muestras.

  3. Radioanalytical chemistry focuses on the analysis of sample for their radionuclide content. Various methods are employed to purify and identify the radioelement of interest through chemical methods and sample measurement techniques.

  4. Química nuclear. La química nuclear es la rama de la química que tiene que ver con la radiactividad, con los procesos y propiedades nucleares. Es la química de los elementos radiactivos tales como los actínidos, radio y radón junto con la química asociada con el equipo (tales como los reactores nucleares ), los cuales son diseñados para ...

  5. It is the chemistry of radioactive elements such as the actinides, radium and radon together with the chemistry associated with equipment (such as nuclear reactors) which are designed to perform nuclear processes.

  6. Un radioisótopo ( radionucleido, radionúclido, nucleido radioactivo o isótopo radiactivo) es un átomo que tiene un exceso de energía nuclear, lo que lo hace inestable.

  7. Radiopharmacology is radiochemistry applied to medicine and thus the pharmacology of radiopharmaceuticals (medicinal radiocompounds, that is, pharmaceutical drugs that are radioactive). Radiopharmaceuticals are used in the field of nuclear medicine as radioactive tracers in medical imaging and in therapy for many diseases (for ...