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  1. Roman à clef (French pronunciation: [ʁɔmɑ̃n‿a kle], anglicised as / r oʊ ˌ m ɒ n ə ˈ k l eɪ /), French for novel with a key, is a novel about real-life events that is overlaid with a façade of fiction.

  2. Roman à clef, French for novel with a key, is a novel about real-life events that is overlaid with a façade of fiction. The fictitious names in the novel represent real people, and the "key" is the relationship between the non-fiction and the fiction.

  3. El tecnicismo novela en clave (tomado del francés, roman à clef) se aplica a aquellas novelas en las que ciertos personajes o situaciones, representan, de una forma más o menos explícita, a personas o situaciones reales. La "clave" es la relación entre la ficción y la realidad.

  4. Un romanzo a chiave (in lingua francese roman à clef o roman à clé) è un romanzo che verte attorno a personaggi reali o a fatti realmente accaduti, ma descritti alterandone dei dettagli, in modo da renderli irriconoscibili (ad esempio, attraverso l'uso di nomi fittizi).