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  1. Heinrich XXII, Prince Reuss of Greiz (28 March 1846 – 19 April 1902) was the reigning sovereign of Reuss-Greiz, a small principality of the German states, from 1859 until his death in 1902. [1] [2] Reign. Heinrich succeeded as reigning Prince Reuss of Greiz after the death of his father on 8 November 1859. [3] .

  2. Enrique XXII de Reuss-Greiz (en alemán, Heinrich XXII Reuß zu Greiz; Greiz, 28 de marzo de 1846- Greiz, 19 de abril de 1902) fue el soberano reinante de Reuss, un pequeño principado entre los estados alemanes, desde 1859 hasta su muerte en 1902. 1 2 . Reinado.

  3. Heinrich XXIV, 6th Prince 1918–1927 (1878–1927) To Reuss Junior Line on the death of Prince Heinrich XXIV. Notable figures. Princess Hermine Reuss of Greiz, second wife of former German Emperor Wilhelm II; Princess Caroline Reuss of Greiz, wife of Wilhelm Ernst, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach

  4. Reuss (Línea mayor) (también llamado Reuss-Greiz, en alemán: Reuß ältere Linie) fue un pequeño principado independiente situado al este del actual land alemán de Turingia.

  5. In 1927 Heinrich XXIV, Prince Reuss of Greiz died and his titles passed to Heinrich XXVII, who became the 1st Prince Reuss and died the next year. His heir Heinrich XLV was arrested in August 1945 in Ebersdorf by the Soviet military and disappeared.

  6. Enrique XIII Prinz Reuss [nota 1] (en alemán: Heinrich XIII. Prinz Reuß /ˈhaɪnʁɪç deːɐ̯ ˈdʁaɪ̯ˌt͡seːntə pʁɪnt͡s ʁɔɪ̯s/ ; Büdingen , 4 de diciembre de 1951) [ 1 ] [ 2 ] es un aristócrata , empresario y activista de ultraderecha alemán , arrestado por la policía federal de su país acusado de liderar [ 3 ...