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  1. Al-Malik az-Zahir Ghazi ibn Yusuf ibn Ayyub (commonly known as az-Zahir Ghazi; 1172 – 8 October 1216) was the Ayyubid emir of Aleppo between 1186 and 1216. He was the third son of Saladin and his lands included northern Syria and a small part of Mesopotamia.

  2. Al-Afdal otrzymał jedynie Samosatę. Od roku 1203 Al-Afdal podlegał zwierzchnictwu anatolijskich Seldżuków. W roku 1216 zmarł Az-Zahir, a atabegiem jego małoletniego syna (1216 - 1236) został eunuch Tughril. Wroga mu partia zwróciła się do Al-Afdala, który przekonał do interwencji sułtana Seldżuków Kajkawusa (1211 - 1220).

  3. › Az-Zahir_Ghaziaz-Zahir Ghazi

    30 de nov. de 2023 · az Zahir Ghazi Al Malik ibn Salah ad Din arabisch الملك الظاهر غازي بن صلاح الدين DMG al Malik aẓ Ẓāhir Ġāzī b Salāḥ ad

  4. 1194年,阿扎尔·扎希尔(Az-Zahir)收到了 拉塔基亚 作为和解协议的一部分,他承认了阿夫达尔的权威。但是,到1196年,阿夫达尔已证明自己没有能力担任统治者,并失去了叔叔阿迪尔的支持。 Az-Zahir与他的兄弟al-Aziz和叔叔al-Adil一起解散和流放了al-Afdal。

  5. Al-Malik az-Zahir Ghiyath ud-din Ghazi ibn Yusuf ibn Ayyub (commonly known as az-Zahir Ghazi; 1172 – 8 October 1216) was the Ayyubid emir of Aleppo between 1186 and 1216. He was the third son of Saladin and his lands included northern Syria and a small part of Mesopotamia .

  6. Al-Malik az-Zahir al-Ghazi 1 ou Malik al-Zahir 2 (vers 1171 ; mort en 1216) est le troisième fils de Saladin et un émir d’Alep de 1186 à 1216. Il a su se tenir à l’écart des luttes de succession entre ses deux frères `Imad ad-Dîn `Uthmân et Al-Afdhal, respectivement sultan d’Égypte et de Damas, ce qui lui a valu de conserver son ...

  7. Al-Malik az-Zahir Ghazi ibn Yusuf ibn Ayyub (commonly known as az-Zahir Ghazi; 1172 – 8 October 1216) was the Ayyubid emir of Aleppo between 1186 and 1216. He was the third son of Saladin and his lands included northern Syria and a small part of Mesopotamia. The Gregorian date: Saturday 8 October 1216