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  1. El segundo milenio comenzó el 1 de enero de 1001 d. C. y terminó el 31 de diciembre de 2000 d. C. Fue el milenio anterior y es el milenio en el que la sociedad humana más ha evolucionado desde que los primeros homínidos dejaron de ser nómadas . Durante este milenio se producen las fechas más importantes de la historia universal: 1453 ...

  2. The 2nd millennium of the Anno Domini or Common Era was a millennium spanning the years 1001 to 2000. It began on 1 January 1001 ( MI) and ended on 31 December 2000 ( MM ), ( 11th to 20th centuries; in astronomy: JD 2 086 667.5 – 2 451 909.5 [1] ). It encompassed the High and Late Middle Ages of the Old World, the Islamic Golden Age and the ...

  3. 12th millennium BC · 12,000–11,001 BC. 11th millennium BC · 11,000–10,001 BC. 10th millennium BC · 10,000–9001 BC. 9th millennium BC · 9000–8001 BC. 8th millennium BC · 8000–7001 BC. 7th millennium BC · 7000–6001 BC. 6th millennium BC · 6000–5001 BC. 5th millennium BC · 5000–4001 BC. 4th millennium BC · 4000–3001 BC.

  4. 1122-221 a. C.: en China se desarrolla la dinastía Zhou. 1100 a. C.: los fenicios realizan los primeros viajes marítimos atravesando el estrecho de Gibraltar, fundan Gadir (actual Cádiz) en 1104 a. C. Comienza el arte fenicio en la península ibérica y Baleares. 1085 a. C.: Comienza el Tercer periodo intermedio en Egipto.

  5. 2nd millennium. The 2nd millennium began on January 1, 1001 and ended on December 31, 2000. The Julian calendar was used in Europe at the beginning of the second millennium, and many countries that continued using the Julian calendar had adopted the Gregorian calendar by the end of the second millennium before it ended.

  6. › wiki › MillenniumMillennium - Wikipedia

    Millennium. A millennium ( pl. millennia or millenniums) is a period of one thousand years, [1] [2] sometimes called a kiloannum (ka), or kiloyear ( ky ). Normally, the word is used specifically for periods of a thousand years that begin at the starting point (initial reference point) of the calendar in consideration and at later years that are ...

  7. The 2nd millennium BC spanned the years 2000 BC to 1001 BC. In the Ancient Near East, it marks the transition from the Middle to the Late Bronze Age . The Ancient Near Eastern cultures are well within the historical era: The first half of the millennium is dominated by the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and Babylonia. The alphabet develops.