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  1. List of most-visited art museums. The 100 most popular art museums in the world in 2023, divided by countries and continents. In 2023, total attendance in the most-visited art museums returned largely to the level of 2019, for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began. [1]

  2. Este artículo enumera los museos más visitados del mundo en 2017, según la Encuesta de cifras de visitantes de la revista Art Newspaper (abril de 2018) y el Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) y la compañía de ingeniería (AECOM) (mayo de 2018). Incluye notables museos .

  3. This is a list of the most-visited museums in the United States in 2023 and 2022. It is based upon the statistics of the Smithsonian Institution Newsroom (January 2024) and the annual survey of museum attendance by the Art Newspaper published in March 2023 and 2024.

  4. This article lists the most visited art museums in the world. This list of 100 is based on an attendance survey compiled by The Art Newspaper published in April 2013. [1] The country with the highest number of visitors in the top 100 is the United Kingdom.