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  1. Yahgan or Yagán (also spelled Yaghan, Jagan, Iakan, and also known as Yámana, Háusi Kúta, or Yágankuta), is an extinct language that is one of the indigenous languages of Tierra del Fuego, spoken by the Yahgan people. It is regarded as a language isolate, although some linguists have attempted to relate it to Kawésqar and Chono.

    • Yahgan people

      The Yahgan language, also known as Yámana, is considered a...

  2. El yagán era la lengua más austral del mundo y hasta inicios del siglo XX era hablado en el área costera austral de la isla de Tierra del Fuego, y en las islas y canales entre el canal Beagle y el cabo de Hornos.

  3. 20 de oct. de 2021 · Yaghan is a language isolate spoken on Navarino Island in Antártica Chilena Province, part of the Magallanes region of southern Chile. There is one native speaker of Yaghan, Christina Calderón, who was born in 1928 and lives in Puerto Williams on Navarino Island. Yaghan is also known as Yagán, Jagan, Iakan, Yámana, Tequenica or ...

  4. Yaghan (also referred to as Yahgan or Yámana, among other names) is a language historically spoken in Chile and Argentina. It is considered a language isolate and part of its own Yámana language family. Within Chile, it has been found in Patagonia, Isla Navarino, Puerto Williams, and Ukika.

  5. El idioma yagán o yámana, mencionado también en la literatura como háusi kúta, inchikut, tekeenika, yahgan o yappu, fue el idioma de los yaganes, un pueblo amerindio nómada que vivían en las islas y canales del extremo sur de Chile y Argentina.

  6. 3 de abr. de 2018 · Mamihlapinatapai comes from the near-extinct Yaghan language. According to Vargas’ own interpretation, “It is the moment of meditation around the pusakí [fire in Yaghan] when the grandparents...