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  1. 18 de may. de 2018 · Bernard Herrmann (1911-1975) is perhaps the greatest composer of motion picture music in the twentieth century. He is best remembered for his dark, suspenseful, innovative musical scores, written for such celebrated film directors as Alfred Hitchcock, Orson Welles, Francois Truffaut, and Martin Scorsese. Herrmann composed some 50 original film ...

  2. When Bernard Herrmann died in the early hours of Christmas Eve 1975, he left behind a body of work that would go on to transcend the medium for which it was originally written. Unusually for a film composer of his generation, almost all his scores are available on CD – many of them newly recorded – and a few have achieved the status of cultural icons.

  3. Complex and irascible, Bernard Herrmann was plagued by career frustrations, but remains one of cinema’s most iconic musical voices

  4. Karol BEFFA. Cet ouvrage a pour ambition d’explorer l’univers de Bernard Herrmann (1911-1975), à qui l’on doit aussi bien les bandes-son de Citizen Kane (1941) d’Orson Welles et de Taxi Driver (1976) de Martin Scorsese que celles des plus célèbres films d’Alfred Hitchcock (Sueurs froides, La Mort aux trousses, Psychose…).

  5. Bernard Herrmann es, sin lugar a dudas, el nombre más insigne que ha dado el mundo de la composición cinematográfica por muchas y evidentes razones, pero sobre todo por una: fue el compositor que mejor entendió el papel de la música dentro de una película y supo imprimir una personalidad a toda su obra musical como nadie más logró hasta ese momento.

  6. Bernard Herrmann (Nueva York, 1911-Los Ángeles, 1975) fue un compositor y director de orquesta estadounidense. Referencia indiscutible de la música para el cine, su nombre es indisociable del de dos de sus colaboradores habituales, los realizadores Orson Welles y Alfred Hitchcock.

  7. Bernard Herrmann. Music Department: North by Northwest. The man behind the low woodwinds that open Citizen Kane (1941), the shrieking violins of Psycho (1960), and the plaintive saxophone of Taxi Driver (1976) was one of the most original and distinctive composers ever to work in film. He started early, winning a composition prize at the age of 13 and founding his own orchestra at the age of ...