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  1. Bonaventura Cavalieri ( Milán, 1598- Bolonia, 1647), matemático italiano perteneciente a la orden de los Jesuatos, considerado uno de los precursores del cálculo infinitesimal moderno. Datos rápidos Información personal, Nacimiento ... Monumento a Cavalieri por Giovanni Antonio Labus, Palacio de Brera, Milán, 1844.

  2. Bonaventura Cavalieri was born at Milan in 1598, and died at Bologna on November 27, 1647. He became a Jesuit at an early age; on the recommendation of the Order he was in 1629 made professor of mathematics at Bologna; and he continued to occupy the chair there until his death. I have already mentioned Cavalieri's name in connection with the ...

  3. Bonaventura Cavalieri (1598 to November 30, 1647) Cavalieri was a priest of the Jesuate order (not to be confused with the Jesuits). He is a significant figure in the history of mathematics. His greatest contribution was his so-called “method of indivisibles.”. This was a technique for computing the volumes and areas of geometric figures ...

  4. Bonaventura Francesco Cavalieri. Matemático italiano. Jesuita y discípulo de Galileo Galilei.Desde 1629 catedrático de astronomía en Bolonia.Fue el primero en introducir en Italia el cálculo logarítmico, pero debe su celebridad a su teoría de los «indivisibles», que expuso en Geometría indivisibilibus continuorum quadam nova ratione promota (1635).

  5. Bonaventura Francesco Cavalieri (in Latin, Cavalerius) (1598 – November 30, 1647) was an Italian mathematician. He is known for his work on the problems of optics and motion, work on the precursors of infinitesimal calculus, and the introduction of logarithms to Italy. Cavalieri's principle in geometry partially anticipated integral calculus.

  6. Bonaventura Cavalieri. Geómetra italiano que nació en Milán en 1598 y murió en 1647. Sus descubrimientos marcan época en la historia de las matemáticas, por haber sido el creador de la geometría de los indivisibles, método que precedió al cálculo infinitesimal, y que en cierto modo puede decirse que ha facilitado la invención de éste.

  7. Cavalièri, Bonaventura nell'Enciclopedia Treccani - Treccani - Treccani. Matematico (Milano ultimi anni 16º sec. - Bologna 1647). Entrato giovanissimo nell' ordine dei gesuati, agli iniziali studî umanistici e teologici unì ben presto un vivo interesse per la matematica, che coltivò dapprima come autodidatta e poi, allorché fu inviato a ...

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