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  1. › bruce-naumanBruce Nauman | IDIS

    Bruce Nauman, (USA, 1941), es un artista multimedia. Su práctica abarca una amplia gama de medios, incluyendo escultura, neón, video, dibujo, grabado, y performance. Bruce Nauman es una de las figuras más importantes e influyentes del arte contemporáneo. Sus cintas de video de la década de 1960 y 70 se encuentran entre las aportaciones ...

  2. Taylor Walsh. Dec 7, 2018. Although Bruce Nauman is one of our truly indispensable living artists—among the key figures to emerge from the 1960s who laid the groundwork for much of what followed—it’s been several decades since he’s been the subject of a comprehensive exhibition. The last Nauman retrospective began its tour 25 years ago.

  3. 7 de oct. de 2020 · Bruce Nauman is a restlessly inventive artist. Since the late 1960s he has continually tested what an artwork can be, by reshaping old forms and creating new ones. His ground-breaking works using sound, film, video and neon have influenced generations of artists. This is the first major exhibition of his work in London in more than 20 years. It ...

  4. 18 de jun. de 2019 · Bruce Nauman (Fort Wayne, 1941) atesora en la memoria uno de los pasajes de su infancia que más emoción le producen todavía hoy. Tiene que ver con su abuelo y sus trucos de magia.

  5. 30 de nov. de 2018 · In these wall-filling color video projections, Nauman walks back and forth, hands behind his head like a suspect at gunpoint, pivoting at the end of each passage. Video editing breaks his gait in ...

  6. Every day, 10:30 am–5:30 pm. Members-only hours select Mondays, 6–8 pm. Plan your visit. 1071 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10128. (Between 88th and 89th Streets) Get directions. Learn about CityPASS® and other ways to save. Buy Tickets.

  7. 28 de nov. de 2018 · Bruce Nauman: romper con todo El MoMA repasa en una gran retrospectiva el trabajo de uno de los artistas vivos más influyentes y un referente para varias generaciones. Kirmen Uribe.

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