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  1. Soon, a young suitor, the général de brigade Joachim Murat, would ask Napoleon to marry his sister (Joachim had helped Napoleon during the coup d’État on 9 November 1799). Caroline and Joachim married on 20 January 1800 and they went on to have four children: Achille, Letizia, Lucien and Louis. A very ambitious women.

  2. 9 de jun. de 2021 · Pauline Bonaparte murió en 1825, cuatro años después que el depuesto emperador, un 9 de junio. Tenía 44 años y un cáncer de útero incurable

  3. María Anunciada Carolina Bonaparte y Ramolino (Ajaccio, 24/04/1782- Nápoles, 18/05/1839) fue la séptima descendiente y tercera niña superviviente del matrimonio entre Carlo María Buonaparte y María Leticia Ramolino. Era, por consiguiente, hermana menor de Napoleón I de Francia. Por su matrimonio con Joaquín Murat llegó a ser Gran Duquesa consorte de Berg y Reina Consorte de Nápoles ...

  4. Carolina Bonaparte. Maria Annunziata Carolina Bonaparte ( Ajaccio, 25 marzo 1782 – Firenze, 18 maggio 1839) è stata una principessa francese . Fu granduchessa consorte di Berg e Clèves (dal 1806 al 1808) e regina consorte di Napoli (dal 1808 al 1815 ), come moglie di Gioacchino Murat, nonché sorella minore di Napoleone .

  5. 6 de oct. de 2022 · Behind a small door on the right at the back of the church, there is the final resting place of a 57-year-old queen, who died in Florence on May 18, 1839. The queen was Maria Annunziata Carolina Bonaparte, the youngest sister of Napoleon Bonaparte, Queen of Naples between 1808 and 1815 and the wife of Joachim Murat. Illustration by Leo Cardini.

  6. 5 de mar. de 2021 · Napoleon’s sister Caroline Bonaparte Murat was ambitious and enterprising. Although Caroline and her husband owed their crowns to Napoleon, when it looked like Napoleon was going to be defeated, they allied with his enemies. French Foreign Minister Talleyrand wrote that Caroline “had the head of Cromwell upon the body of a well-shaped woman.

  7. 15 de dic. de 2022 · Dicen que Carolina era la ambición, Paulina, la belleza y Elisa, la más lista. Aunque, ... Elisa Bonaparte vivió en la costa del Adriático hasta su muerte en 1820 a causa de un cáncer.