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  1. List of most-visited art museums. The 100 most popular art museums in the world in 2023, divided by countries and continents. In 2023, total attendance in the most-visited art museums returned largely to the level of 2019, for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began. [1]

  2. Este artículo enumera los museos más visitados del mundo en 2017, según la Encuesta de cifras de visitantes de la revista Art Newspaper (abril de 2018) y el Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) y la compañía de ingeniería (AECOM) (mayo de 2018). Incluye notables museos .

  3. This article lists the most visited art museums in the world. This list of 100 is based on an attendance survey compiled by The Art Newspaper published in April 2013. [1] The country with the highest number of visitors in the top 100 is the United Kingdom.