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  1. Charles Curtis (January 25, 1860 – February 8, 1936) was an American politician. He was the 31st vice president of the United States from 1929 to 1933 under President Herbert Hoover. Before becoming vice president, he was a senator and a representative from Kansas . Curtis is the only Native American vice president in history.

  2. Charles Whittlesey Curtis (born October 13, 1926) is a mathematician and historian of mathematics, known for his work in finite group theory and representation theory. He is a retired professor of mathematics at the University of Oregon .

  3. Thomas Charles Curtis (ur. 25 stycznia 1860 w Topeka, zm. 8 lutego 1936 w Waszyngtonie) – amerykański prawnik i polityk, działacz Partii Republikańskiej, kongresmen i senator ze stanu Kansas, funkcjonariusz rządowy wysokiego szczebla, 31. wiceprezydent USA. Był pierwszym Amerykaninem, posiadającym indiańskich przodków (z plemienia Kaw ...

  4. Charles Curtis. Charles Curtis ( 25. januar 1860 – 8. februar 1936) var en amerikansk politiker, der var medlem af Repræsentanternes Hus for Republikanerne og USA's 31. vicepræsident . Curtis mor var trekvart indianer, og han tilbragte dele af sin opvækst i et indianerreservat. Han var den første person uden ren europæisk afstamning, der ...

  5. Charles Curtis. Charles Curtis (n. 25 ianuarie 1860, Topeka, Kansas, SUA – d. 8 februarie 1936, Washington, D.C., District of Columbia, SUA) a fost un politician american, vicepreședinte al Statelor Unite ale Americii între 1929 și 1933.

  6. Charles David Curtis. Charles David Curtis (born 1939) is a British geologist who has served as president of the Geological Society of London from 1992 to 1994. [1] He is an emeritus professor of geochemistry at the University of Manchester. [2] Curtis read chemistry and geochemistry at Imperial College and the University of Sheffield.

  7. Charles Curtis. Charles Curtis. Charles Curtis (* 25. Januar 1860 in Topeka, Kansas; † 8. Februar 1936 in Washington, D.C.) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker der Republikanischen Partei und von 1929 bis 1933 der 31. Vizepräsident der Vereinigten Staaten . Seine Mutter entstammte dem Volk der Kansa.