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  1. Wieland is the subject of Derek Maurice Van Abbé’s scholarly work, Christoph Martin Wieland, 1733-1813: A Literary Biography (1961). He served as a professor of philosophy at Erfurt, and later moved to Weimar to teach the sons of Duchess Anna Amalie. Wieland died in Weimar. Born in Oberholzheim, German poet Christoph Martin Wieland was the ...

  2. 11 de sept. de 2023 · Christoph Martin Wieland (1733-1813) Philosophy Considered As The Art Of Life And Healing Art Of The Soul P. 131 from Prose writers of Germany by Hedge, Frederic Henry, 1805-1890 Publication date 1870. I said Philosophy might the rather maintain its place, as healing art for the soul, because then, the well would know that they had nothing to ...

  3. クリストフ・マルティン・ヴィーラント(Christoph Martin Wieland, 1733年 9月5日 - 1813年 1月20日)は、ドイツの詩人・翻訳家・作家。 ヨハン・ヴォルフガング・ゲーテ や フリードリヒ・シラー などと並びドイツの 古典主義 時代において重要かつ大きな影響力を持った人物の一人である。

  4. Christoph Martin Wieland (1733-1813) was the most famous and best-paid German author of his age for quite a long time. Wieland’s works were translated into 13 languages in his lifetime. He was an important protagonist of the Enlightenment and he also paved the way for German Classicism in literature.

  5. Christoph Martin Wieland war ein deutscher Dichter, Übersetzer und Herausgeber zur Zeit der Aufklärung. Einleitung Christoph Martin Wieland Leben Abstammung, Kindheit und Jugend Studium, Schweiz (1750–1759) Biberach, Erfurt (1760–1772) Weimar (1772–1798) Oßmannstedt (1798–1803) und wieder Weimar (1803–1813)

  6. Christoph Martin Wieland, o zamanlar bağımsız ve eşit bir imparatorluk şehri olan Biberach'ın ruhânî önderliğine bağlı bir köy olan Oberholzheim'da doğdu. Dedelerinin 1560 yılından beri Biberach'ta ikamet ettikleri biliniyor. Aile büyükleri Biberach'ın zengin tüccarlarıydı ve belediye meclisinde nüfûz kazanmışlardı.

  7. Christoph Martin Wieland wurde 1733 als Sohn eines Pfarrers in Oberholzheim geboren. Seine Kindheit und seine Jugend verbrachte er in der schwäbischen Reichsstadt Biberach. Von 1747 bis 1749 war er Zögling des Seminars in Kloster Berge bei Magdeburg. 1749 begann er sein Studium an der Universität Erfurt, weil er dort bei einem an der ...