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  1. Classical music generally refers to the art music of the Western world, considered to be distinct from Western folk music or popular music traditions. It is sometimes distinguished as Western classical music, as the term "classical music" can also be applied to non-Western art musics.

  2. La música clásica está hecha exclusivamente para ser escuchada, a diferencia de otras músicas adjuntas a otras formas de entretenimiento (la música de cine a veces se ejecuta en salas de conciertos ). Los conciertos de música clásica suelen tener una atmósfera solemne, se espera que el público esté en silencio para evitar distraer al ...

  3. La música clásica (también llamada, en distintas áreas hispanohablantes, música académica, música de concierto, música docta, música culta, música erudita, entre otras denominaciones) es la corriente musical que se basa principalmente en la música producida o derivada de las tradiciones de la música litúrgica y, sobre todo, de la ...

  4. Classical music genre – category of composition characterized by a distinctive style, form, or content. The range of genres is broad, having grown and evolved over time, reflecting changes in musical tastes, compositional techniques, and cultural contexts. Below are some typical genres of each period.

  5. Classical music generally refers to the art music of the Western world, considered to be distinct from Western folk music or popular music traditions. It is sometimes distinguished as Western classical music, as the term "classical music" can also be applied to non-Western art musics.

  6. Contemporary classical music is Western art music composed close to the present day. At the beginning of the 21st century, it commonly referred to the post-1945 modern forms of post-tonal music after the death of Anton Webern, and included serial music, electronic music, experimental music, and minimalist music.

  7. The Classical period was an era of classical music between roughly 1750 and 1820. [1] The Classical period falls between the Baroque and the Romantic periods. [2] Classical music has a lighter, clearer texture than Baroque music, but a more varying use of musical form, which is, in simpler terms, the rhythm and organization of any given piece ...