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  1. ダンテ・ゲイブリエル・ロセッティ(ロゼッティ 、Dante Gabriel Rossetti [ˌdænteɪ ˌɡeɪbriəl rəˈzeti], 1828年 5月12日 - 1882年 4月10日 )は、19世紀のイングランドの画家・詩人。ラファエル前派の一員に数えられる。詩人クリスティーナ・ロセッティの兄。

  2. 5 de abr. de 2024 · Dante Gabriel Rossetti (born May 12, 1828, London, England—died April 9, 1882, Birchington-on-Sea, Kent) was an English painter and poet who helped found the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, a group of painters treating religious, moral, and medieval subjects in a nonacademic manner. Dante Gabriel was the most celebrated member of the Rossetti family.

  3. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, nato Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti ( Londra, 12 maggio 1828 – Birchington-on-Sea, 10 aprile 1882 ), è stato un pittore e poeta britannico, tra i fondatori del movimento artistico dei Preraffaelliti insieme a William Holman Hunt, Ford Madox Brown e John Everett Millais . Artista complesso e dai molteplici interessi ...

  4. Dante Gabriel Rossetti (Londres, 12 de maio de 1828 — Birchington-on-Sea, 10 de abril de 1882), originalmente Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti, foi um poeta, ilustrador e pintor inglês de origem italiana. Devido à sua preferência pela poesia medieval e em especial pela obra de Dante, Rossetti muda a ordem dos seus nomes e passa a usar Dante ...

  5. Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti was born in May 1828 to Italian emigres living in London. The boy's father, Gabriel Pasquale Giuseppe Rossetti, was a scholar - he was Professor of Italian at Kings College from 1831 - and poet who had been exiled from Italy for his support for revolutionary nationalism.

  6. Dante Gabriel Rossetti (* 12. Mai 1828 in London; † 9. April 1882 in Birchington-on-Sea, Kent) war ein britischer Dichter und Maler, der in beiden Künsten gleichermaßen begabt war. Er war wegen seiner dominierenden und charismatischen Persönlichkeit die treibende Kraft der Präraffaeliten, die die Reform der britischen Kunst als Ziel hatten.

  7. Dante Gabriel Rossetti was born in London. His works include Sir Hugh the Heron: A Legendary Tale in Four Parts (1843), Poems (1869), which was published in several editions with slightly different content, Ballads and Sonnets (1882), Ballads and Narrative Poems, and Sonnets and Lyrical Poems (1894).

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