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  1. Hace 4 días · As Dennett's 2017 book From Bacteria to Bach argued, ... But you also want to have the elbow room to reconsider, and reconsider, and reconsider further: your prospects, ...

  2. Hace 4 días · R.I.P. Daniel Dennett, a Deep Thinker About What it is to Be Human. R.I.P. April 22, 2024. The world has sadly just lost one of its most provocative and inspirational thinkers and writers. Daniel Dennett, 1942-2024. Douglas Hofstadter at Marcus on AI: I just received the very sad news about the passing of Dan Dennett, a lodestar in my life and ...

  3. Hace 4 días · Daniel Dennett (1942-2024) We all came out from under Dennett's overcoat of transducers and effectors. Maxim Raginsky. Apr 22, 2024. 3. 2. Share. I’ve had a complicated history with the writings of Daniel Dennett, who passed away on April 19th, just three days ago. As a teenager who had grown up reading the science fiction and the ...

  4. Hace 5 días · I loathed the draft of Freedom Evolves —I disliked its militaristic tropes, its scientism, and thought it a simplified and vulgarized version of what was elegant and subtle in Elbow Room. It’s worth looking at p. 222 of Dan’s autobiography, I’ve Been Thinking , on his own view and reception of Elbow Room because it chimes with what he told me about his decision to write Freedom Evolves .

  5. Hace 4 días · The death of philosopher Daniel C. Dennett, who died at age 82 on April 19, is a deep loss, not just to the freethinking community, but to the world. Here at the Freedom From Religion Foundation, we feel like we have lost a member of the family. Dan, who was professor emeritus at Tufts University, and had directed its Center for Cognitive ...

  6. Hace 5 días · Vrije wil. In Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting (1984) zette hij zijn ideeën over vrije wil uiteen. Dennett geloofde niet in één soort vrije wil. Nee, er zijn veel verschillende concepten, waarbij het ene nuttiger is dan het andere. Welke variant is het waard om als mens te willen?

  7. Hace 4 días · Remembering Daniel Dennett. A remarkable and provocative thinker has passed away. Gary Marcus sums him up neatly as the man who “arrived at what many would see as shocking conclusions about consciousness (essentially that it is just an emergent effect of physical interactions of tiny inanimate components)”, and who from then on, was a dead ...