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  1. Aug 30, 1855 - May 2, 1919. Evelyn De Morgan, née Pickering, was an English painter associated early in her career with the later phase of the Pre-Raphaelite Movement. Her paintings are figural, foregrounding the female body through the use of spiritual, mythological, and allegorical themes. They rely on a range of metaphors to express what ...

  2. 4 de dic. de 2023 · Evelyn De Morgan, The Gilded Cage, 1901-1902, De Morgan Foundation, Guildford, UK. Art history scholars regularly pay homage to the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Opinion is often divided though on this “boys club” group of artists. They did re-write how women were portrayed in art, showing them as powerful, sensual, sexual beings.

  3. Evelyn de Morgan, cuyo nombre era Mary Evelyn Pickering, nació en Londres el 30 de agosto de 1855 en el seno de una familia burguesa que educó en el hogar a sus hijos ofreciendo los mismos conocimientos a los vástagos de ambos sexos. Evelyn aprendió latín, griego, francés, alemán, ciencia, historia y literatura, abarcando tanto la ...

  4. 20 de may. de 2020 · Noche y sueño. El ángel de la muerte I. La reina Leonor y la bella Rosamund. Deméter en duelo por Perséfone. Los espíritus de la tormenta. El jardín de las oportunidades. Evelyn de Morgan no solo fue una gran artista, también fue activista luchando con las sufragistas por los derechos de las mujeres. Ella fue una de las pocas mujeres del ...

  5. Evelyn de Morgan (1855-1919) was an important second generation Pre-Raphaelite and the niece of Spencer Stanhope. She is one of the few female followers of Dante Gabrielle Rossetti and Edward Coley Burne-Jones, her work having closer ties to that of the latter. However, Morgan's subject matter was very uniquely illustrated and filled with symbolism in a way that one cannot help but feel is ...

  6. 31 de jul. de 2022 · The Dryad, by Evelyn de Morgan, 1884-1885, via the De Morgan Collection. This is a painting of a dryad, a female tree spirit in Greek mythology. Dryads — also known as tree nymphs — are usually bound to their life source, in this case the woman is bound to a tree. As you can see in the painting, her foot is immersed in the bark.

  7. Aug 30, 1855 - May 2, 1919. Evelyn De Morgan, née Pickering, was an English painter associated early in her career with the later phase of the Pre-Raphaelite Movement. Her paintings are figural, foregrounding the female body through the use of spiritual, mythological, and allegorical themes. They rely on a range of metaphors to express what ...