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  1. Fanny Brawne. Frances " Fanny " Brawne Lindon ( Londres, 9 d'agost de 1800 - 4 de desembre de 1865) és coneguda per ser la promesa i la musa del poeta romàntic anglès John Keats . Fanny Brawne, va conèixer Keats, que era veí seu a Hampstead, a l'inici del breu però intens període d'activitat creativa del poeta, el 1818.

  2. 21 de dic. de 2023 · Fanny Brawne and John Keats. Fanny was secretly engaged to the poet John Keats. Their intense relationship lasted from 1818 until his death from tuberculosis, aged just 25, in 1821. Keats wrote many of his most famous poems after meeting 18-year-old Fanny, London-born daughter of a middle-class businessman. She was his ‘one passion’, and he ...

  3. Brawne’s mother promised Keats that when he returned to England, he could live with them and Brawne. With Brawne’s permission, Keats destroyed the letters she had written him. Keats gave her several of his books and a miniature, and Brawne gave him a new pocket-book, a knife, and a lock of her hair.

  4. 22 de feb. de 2021 · Para Fanny Brawne. 8 de julio de 1819. Mi dulce muchacha: Tu carta me proporcionó más placer que cualquier otra cosa en el mundo, con la única excepción del que tú misma me podrías proporcionar; de hecho, estoy casi asombrado de que alguien que está ausente como tú tenga el tremendo poder sobre mis sentidos que ahora sien-to.

  5. 5 de oct. de 2019 · If you are not located in the United States, you'll have. to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this ebook. Title: Letters of John Keats to Fanny Brawne. Author: John Keats. Release Date: October 5, 2019 [EBook #60433] Language: English. Character set encoding: UTF-8.

  6. 11 de ago. de 2007 · En octubre escribió tres cartas a Fanny, la últimas anteriores a la crisis de su enfermedad. Estas cartas son breves y tensas. El júbilo por haber visto a Fanny tiene aquí la misma calidad de deseperación que su angustia frente a la maraña que lo cerca. 11-10-1819.

  7. Vanguard Press, 1952 - Poets, English - 190 pages. During her lifetime, Fanny Brawne's identity as Keats's great love remained a secret to all but her family and a few friends. When their connection became public, she was vilified by the review establishment as cruel, shallow and unfaithful, a heartless flirt unworthy of a great poet.