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  1. Frances Clara Folsom Cleveland became the youngest First Lady at age 21; married to President Grover Cleveland she was the 23rd and 25th First Lady of the United States. “I detest him so much ...

  2. 9 de sept. de 2016 · Stephen Grover Cleveland; Usage on Першыя лэдзі ЗША; Usage on Frances Folsom; Usage on Seznam prvních dam Spojených států amerických; Frances Clevelandová; Usage on Frances Cleveland; Liste von Söhnen und Töchtern der Stadt Buffalo; Usage on en.wikipedia ...

  3. Cleveland was 49 years old at the time; Frances was 21. He was the second president to wed while in office [c] and remains the only president to marry in the White House. This marriage was unusual because Cleveland was the executor of Oscar Folsom's estate and had supervised Frances's upbringing after her father's death; nevertheless, the public took no exception to the match. [167]

  4. Frances Clara Folsom Cleveland ( 21. heinäkuuta 1864 – 29. lokakuuta 1947) oli Yhdysvaltain presidentti Grover Clevelandin puoliso ja siten Yhdysvaltain ensimmäinen nainen vuosina 1886–1889 ja 1893–1897. Hän oli 21-vuotiaana maan nuorin ensimmäinen nainen ja ensimmäinen, joka meni naimisiin istuvan presidentin kanssa.

  5. Frances Cleveland. Frances Clara Cleveland Preston, nhũ danh Folsom (21/7/1864 - 29 /10/1947) là cố Đệ nhất phu nhân Hoa Kỳ nhiệm kỳ thứ nhất từ 1886 đến 1889 và nhiệm kỳ thứ ba từ 1893 đến 1897 với tư cách là vợ của Tổng thống Grover Cleveland. Trở thành đệ nhất phu nhân ở tuổi 21 ...

  6. Frances Clara Folsom Cleveland Preston (21 Juli 1864 – 29 Oktober 1947) adalah istri dari Presiden Amerika Serikat Grover Cleveland. Ia adalah Ibu Negara Amerika Serikat dari tahun 1886 hingga tahun 1889 dan kembali menjadi Ibu Negara dari tahun 1893 hingga tahun 1897 . Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Frances Cleveland.

  7. Frances Cleveland. 21. 7. 1864. 29. 10. 1947. (dob: 83) Frances Folsom (* 21. juli 1864 - † 29. oktobar 1947) u Buffalo, New York kao Frances Cornelia Folsom . Bila je supruga američkog predsjednika Grovera Clevelanda, što je istovremeno činilo i najmlađom Prvom damom u historiji SAD .