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  1. The hurried judgements suggest a frantic attempt to find some legal base for what is in effect a moral and personal decision. Del Cambridge English Corpus The almost frantic rush to grasp every opportunity, especially during the early months of the war, had led to over-investment in some industries.

  2. (very worried) desesperado they were frantic with worry estaban desesperados de la preocupación Monolingual examples Many customers eagerly signed up because their pets had been made frantic with fear by the noise of fireworks.

  3. The whole nation is heartily sick of the frantic way in which we continuously legislate.

  4. sternest y frantic mania. a frantic-paced and pulse-pounding - English Only forum. eyes 'walled' blind and frantic - English Only forum. flooded with the frantic approach - English Only forum. Flossie sprang <before him> with a frantic little bark - English Only forum. frantic speculation - English Only forum.

  5. Now your frantic work week is coming to an end, it would be wise to slow down and take a rest.

  6. It follows a frantic weekend of wrangling focused on contingencies for consumers and businesses.

  7. traducción frantic del Inglés al Español, diccionario Inglés - Español, ver también 'franc, frantically, Fran, fanatic', ejemplos, conjugación

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