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  1. Over a period of more than six decades, Gabriele Münter (1877-1962) created a broad and multifaceted oeuvre. With unbridled curiosity, she continued to try new techniques and forms of representation, which would cause her work to shine even without the aura of the ‘Blue Rider’.

  2. Gabriele Münter syntyi ylemmän keskiluokan perheeseen, joka havaitsi varhain hänen lahjakkuutensa ja kannusti häntä taiteilijan uralle. Vuonna 1897 hänellä oli yksityisopettaja ja hän pääsi Düsseldorfiin opiskelemaan Ernst Boschin johdolla. Vanhemmat tukivat Münterin taideopintoja, sillä he olivat huolestuneita tyttärestään.

  3. Gabriele Münter. Münter was born in Berlin to upper-middle-class Protestant parents. Despite being raised in a family and country that discouraged women from a career in the arts, Münter eventually attended Munich’s progressive new Phalanx School, where she studied sculpture and woodcut techniques. In 1902, Münter began a 12-year ...

  4. Gabriele Münter (1877-1962) was one of the founders of The Blue Rider [Der Blaue Reiter], the legendary group of Expressionist artists based in Munich. With their precise lines and intense colours, the works of this German painter envelop the viewer in her private world. Through her acute gaze, lovers, friends, everyday objects, landscapes and ...

  5. 31 de oct. de 2017 · Gabriele Münter was a photographer before she was a painter. She took her first pictures around 1900, during a stay in the United States. She started painting soon after and never stopped—she worked on her art almost every day for the rest of her life. And Gabriele Münter went to the movies! She was an open-minded artist who embraced experimentation; many of her accomplishments have ...

  6. Según su «Notizkalender» de 1924, pasó la mayor parte de mayo de aquel año en Murnau. En aquella época pintó otras vistas del pueblo, entre ellas una de la calle mayor adornada para la procesión del domingo de Pentecostés. Münter pintó Murnau en mayo desde un punto cercano al fondo de su jardín.

  7. Gabriele Münter was born in an era of new possibilities for women, yet in Germany there was still resistance to women artists. Ineligible for the Art Academy in Düsseldorf, she enrolled instead at the Painting School for Women in 1897. In 1902, she transferred to the more progressive Phalanx School, where she studied with the Russian artist ...

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