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  1. Los puntos de vista religiosos de George Washington se han debatido durante mucho tiempo. Mientras que algunos de los otros Padres Fundadores de los Estados Unidos, como Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, y Patrick Henry, se destacaron por escribir sobre religión, Washington rara vez discutía sus puntos de vista religiosos y filosóficos.

  2. Dentadura de George Washington. La dentadura de Washington en 1910. Al presidente estadounidense George Washington se le empezaron a caer los dientes antes de cumplir los treinta años, y finalmente los perdió todos. Durante su vida, le hicieron al menos cuatro juegos de dentaduras postizas para reemplazarlos. 1 .

  3. George Washington spent the years between 1759 and 1775 overseeing the farms at Mount Vernon. Washington worked constantly to improve and expand the mansion house and its surrounding plantation. He established himself as an innovative farmer, who switched from tobacco to wheat as his main cash crop in the 1760's.

  4. The military career of George Washington spanned over forty-five years of service (1752–1799). Washington's service can be broken into three periods, French and Indian War, American Revolutionary War, and the Quasi-War with France, with service in three different armed forces (British provincial militia, the Continental Army, and the United ...

  5. La clase George Washington fue la primera clase de submarinos nucleares de misiles balísticos desplegados por la Armada de los Estados Unidos. La clase está compuesta por cinco submarinos, que después de un proceso de diseño y construcción extremadamente rápido, fueron aceptadas en servicio entre 1959 y 1961.

  6. President of the United States. George Washington (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799) commanded the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783). After serving as President of the United States (1789 to 1797), he briefly was in charge of a new army in 1798. Washington, despite his youth, played a major role in the ...

  7. 1793 →. The first inauguration of George Washington as the first president of the United States was held on Thursday, April 30, 1789, on the balcony of Federal Hall in New York City, New York. The inauguration was held nearly two months after the beginning of the first four-year term of George Washington as president.

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con George Washington wikipedia

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