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  1. 22 de mar. de 2023 · Georges Sorel. le mythe de la révolte, d’Arthur Pouliquen, vient de paraître aux éditions du Cerf (242 p, 20 euros). Il est disponible sur le site de l’éditeur , ainsi que chez votre ...

  2. Search for: 'Georges Sorel' in Oxford Reference ». (1847–1922)French engineer, philosopher, and social theorist. Sorel is principally remembered for Réflexions sur la violence (1908, trs. as Reflections on Violence, 1914). Sorel argues that one cannot deplore violence in the hands of opponents of the state (itself no stranger to the ...

  3. Abstract. How did Georges Sorel's philosophy of violence emerge from the moderate, reformist, and liberal philosophy of the French Third Republic? This dissertation answers the question through a contextual intellectual history of Sorel's writings from the 1880s until 1908. Drawing on a variety of archives and printed sources, this dissertation ...

  4. SOREL, Georges. Carlo Antoni. Pensatore francese, nato il 2 novembre 1847 a Cherbourg, morto il 30 agosto 1922 a Boulogne-sur-Seine. Allievo dell'Ècole Polytechnique, ingegnere civile di ponti e strade dal 1870 al 1892, ottenuta la pensione, si ritirò in una villetta di campagna alle porte di Parigi per dedicarsi alla "propria istruzione ...

  5. 1 de ago. de 2017 · El espectro de Georges Sorel. La solución es la huelga, decía Georges Sorel, teórico materialista y activista revolucionario francés de los siglos XIX y XX, recordado por su devoción a Carlos Marx y la lucha de clases. En su obra, Reflexiones sobre la violencia (1908), escribió: “La violencia podría salvar al mundo del barbarismo ...

  6. His reconstruction of socialist ethics established him as one of the most remarkable critics of Marxist thought, and his writings in many aspects anticipated contemporary interpretations.From Georges Sorel, the first of two volumes of Sorel's work, presents his major contributions to social thought?articles on Marxism, religion, syndicalism, social myths, the philosophy of history and science ...

  7. 28 de nov. de 2017 · El concepto de mito revolucionario es la idea de Georges Sorel más influyente en el pensamiento de José Carlos Mariátegui. Sin embargo, este concepto no funciona de la misma forma en ambos autores, fundamentalmente porque es aplicado en cada caso a coyunturas nacionales marcadamente diferentes, como las de Francia y Perú a principios del siglo XX.