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  1. Hace 21 horas · Fine, but no one really wants their virtual assistant to sound like the late Gilbert Gottfried. Joe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer.

  2. Hace 21 horas · Judd Apatow (born 1967) – producer, director, comedian, actor and screenwriter. Fiona Apple (born 1977) – singer-songwriter. Jacob Appel – (born 1973), short story writer, bioethicist, born in New York City. Diane Arbus (1923–1971) – photographer. Nate Archibald (born 1948) – professional basketball player.

  3. Hace 21 horas · No elenco, estão ainda dois atores interpretando a si mesmos: o dublador e comediante Gilbert Gottfried, que faleceu pouco depois da gravação das falas, e Jennifer Gray, conhecida como Baby de Dirty Dancing e a irmã de Ferris Bueller em Curtindo a Vida Adoidado.A frase vencedora foi:Entre eles, um jovem de 23 anos que morreu de exaustão ao cumprir uma jornada muito acima da estipulada ...

  4. Hace 21 horas · Gilbert Gottfried (1955–2022) Theodore Gottlieb (1906–2001) Dana Gould (born 1964) Sandra Gould (1916–1999) Ray Goulding (1922–1990) Luba Goy (born 1945) Jeff Grace; Topher Grace (born 1978) Boothby Graffoe (born 1962) Heather Graham (born 1970) Matt Graham; Kelsey Grammer (born 1955) Charlie Grandy (born 1974) Fred Grandy (born 1948 ...

  5. Hace 21 horas · Musikjahr 1953. In Moskau stirbt am 5. März 1953 der sowjetische Pianist und Komponist Sergei Sergejewitsch Prokofjew. Sein Musikmärchen Peter und der Wolf zählt zu den weltweit am meisten gespielten Werken der klassischen Musik. Der französische Gitarrist, Komponist und Bandleader Django Reinhardt stirbt am 16. Mai 1953 in Fontainebleau.

  6. Hace 21 horas · Dwayne Archbold (* 1980), Basketballspieler. Bruce Arena (* 1951), Fußballtrainer. Darren Aronofsky (* 1969), Filmregisseur und Drehbuchautor. Donald Joel Aronow (1927–1987), Designer, Konstrukteur, Betreiber und Rennfahrer von Rennbooten. Beatrice Arthur (1922–2009), Schauspielerin.

  7. Hace 21 horas · Zweierbob der USA in Turin Viererbob der USA. Die Liste der Olympiasieger im Bobsport listet alle Sieger sowie die Zweit- und Drittplatzierten der Wettbewerbe im Bobsport bei Olympischen Winterspielen, gegliedert nach Männern und Frauen und den einzelnen Wettbewerben, seit 1924 auf.