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  1. Heinrich Bullinger (1504–1575): Life - Thought - Influence. Throughout the year 2004 a Quincentenary Jubilee was held in Zurich to mark the birth of Heinrich Bullinger, Swiss Reformer and successor (Der Nachfolger) to Huldrych Zwingli after the latter’s death at the battle of Kap-pel in 1531. Bullinger served as Antistes (Prelate) of the ...

  2. Heinrich Bullinger's Original Publications Online. This collection contains a selection of the original works in Latin and German by the Protestant Reformer Heinrich Bullinger. In some cases translations of Bullinger’s works into Latin, French, German, English and Dutch have also been included because of their importance.

  3. In late 1531, a twenty-seven-year-old Bible teacher suddenly became a refugee as a Catholic army claimed victory over the Zurich forces. The young man fled in the night while his friend, mentor, and soon-to-be predecessor perished on the battlefield. Two months later, that refugee, Heinrich Bullinger (1504–1575), accepted the post of people’s priest (Leutpriester) at the Grossmünster in ...

  4. Confesiones helvéticas. Heinrich Bullinger, uno de los principales promotores de las Confesiones. Las Confesiones Helvéticas (en latín: Confessiones Helveticae, en alemán: Helvetisches Bekenntnis) son dos documentos que expresan los credos comunes de las iglesias calvinistas de Suiza .

  5. Reforma Siglo XXI, Vol. 19, No. 1. La figura de Heinrich (Enrique) Bullinger es una de esas figuras de la historia de la Reforma casi olvidada actualmente incluso en su natal Zúrich y por los cristianos reformados de estos tiempos. Bullinger, sin duda, fue un gran hombre de Dios, cuya memoria y vida esperamos recordar en este aniversario de ...

  6. 20 de oct. de 2017 · Word is that Heinrich Bullinger, chief minister in the leading Swiss city of Zurich, had the best beard of all. One historian describes Bullinger’s as “majestically bushy” — and it wasn’t altogether disconnected from the theology he carefully grew, and groomed, in the wake of the Reformation’s first shocking loss. Protestant and ...

  7. 10 de ago. de 2017 · Despite the demarcations of the political and religious spheres, Heinrich Bullinger (1504–1575) considered the city's system of poor relief to be a pastoral concern. The chief minister of Zurich expected the wealth from confiscated church property to be used for communal needs and believed that the magistrates needed the ministers to guide them in poor relief reforms.