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  1. 亨利·克莱(Henry Clay,1777年4月12日—1852年6月29日),美国参众两院历史上最重要的政治家与演说家之一,辉格党的创立者和领导人。美国经济现代化的倡导者。他曾经任美国国务卿,并五次参加美国总统竞选。尽管均告失败,但他仍然因善于调解冲突的两方,并数次解决南北方关于奴隶制的矛盾 ...

  2. Clay fue elegido miembro de la Cámara de Representantes de Kentucky en 1803 y sirvió hasta 1806. Luego, se desempeñó como Senador de Kentucky, de 1806 a 1807, y luego regresó a la Cámara de Representantes del Estado, de 1807 a 1809. En 1810 Clay regresó a el Senado y sirvió hasta 1811. Se convirtió en líder de un grupo de congresistas ...

  3. Henry Clay - Statesman, Politician, Speaker: The boldness of his positions notwithstanding, Clay’s eloquent defense of republican values and national honor endeared him to Kentuckians, who elected him to seven terms in the Kentucky legislature (1803–06, 1807–09).

  4. Henry Clay of Kentucky (1777-1852) enjoyed a distinguished political career, even though he never attained his greatest desire—the presidency. A pivotal Senate leader during the antebellum era, a period in Senate history marked by heated debates over slavery and territorial expansion, Clay first entered politics in Kentucky’s state house of representatives in 1803.

  5. Biographical Sketch. Many thanks to Dr. Thomas D. Clark. On June 29, 1852, Henry Clay asked his son Thomas to come and sit by his bedside. Just before noon, “The Great Compromiser” drew his last breath. His death marked the completion of a major chapter in American political history. Henry Clay’s service to his country lasted half a century.

  6. Leer pdf. Arturo Grunstein Dicker presenta la experiencia del empresario petrolero y ferrocarrilero estadounidense Henry Clay Pierce en México, bajo el porfiriato. #empresa #historia #porfirio díaz #petróleo.

  7. Henry Clay, Sr. (April 12, 1777 – June 29, 1852) was an American politician from Kentucky. He served in the House of Representatives (as Speaker ), in the Senate, and was Secretary of State. He ran for President several times but never won. He wanted the United States to fight the British during the War of 1812.

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