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  1. Before serving as America’s 31st President from 1929 to 1933, Herbert Hoover had achieved international success as a mining engineer and worldwide gratitude as “The Great Humanitarian” who ...

  2. Herbert Clark Hoover ( 10. srpna 1874 – 20. října 1964) byl americký politik a 31. prezident USA v letech 1929 – 1933 . Byl to syn kvakerů, přistěhovalců z Německa a Švýcarska. Jeho rodiče zemřeli, když byl Herbert ještě mladý – otec Jesse v roce 1880 a matka Hulda Minthorn o tři roky později.

  3. Herbert Hoover. Son of a Quaker blacksmith, Herbert Clark Hoover brought to the presidency a luminous reputation as an engineer, administrator, and humanitarian. Born in West Branch, Iowa on August 10, 1874, Hoover grew up in Newberg, Oregon with his uncle after the deaths of his parents. He married his Stanford sweetheart, Lou Henry, and they ...

  4. Presidency of Herbert Hoover. Herbert Hoover 's tenure as the 31st president of the United States began on his inauguration on March 4, 1929, and ended on March 4, 1933. Hoover, a Republican, took office after a landslide victory in the 1928 presidential election over Democrat Al Smith of New York. His presidency ended following his defeat in ...

  5. Herbert Hoover, pe numele său complet Herbert Clark Hoover, (n. 10 august 1874 - d. 20 octombrie 1964 ), cel de-al treizeci și unulea președinte al Statelor Unite ale Americii ( 1929 - 1933 ) a fost inginer minier ⁠( d ) , umanitarist și administrator ⁠( d ) plin de succes.

  6. Herbert Hoover est né le 10 août 1874 à West Branch, une petite ville située à cheval entre les comtés de Cedar et Johnson dans l' Iowa. Il est le fils de Jesse Hoover, maréchal-ferrant, et de Hulda Randall Minthorn 1. Il a des origines allemandes, anglaises et suisses par son père et anglaises et irlandaises par sa mère 1, 2.

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