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  1. 26 de abr. de 2024 · Join me for a little while as I ponder my day.Great conversations are yet to be had, create live streams like this. Check out StreamYard and join up!https://...

  2. Hace 18 horas · Throughout the trial, Najib’s defence had argued that the top management of 1MDB had hoodwinked Najib and worked in cahoots with Low. Najib, 70, is on trial for 25 charges – four for abuse of power that allegedly brought him financial benefit to the tune of RM2.28bil, and 21 for money laundering involving the same amount of money.

  3. Hace 18 horas · This section is for roleplays only. ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section. Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

  4. Hace 18 horas · Ukrainian Catholics in the U. S. are breathing a sigh of relief and prayers of gratitude, after a bill for aid to Ukraine cleared the House of Representatives following months of delay, political infighting and even openly anti-Ukrainian sentiment among some lawmakers.

  5. Hace 18 horas · The unfortunate part is that the beer, which is sold in liquor shops, is labelled in such a way that consumers would be hoodwinked into believing that it is original. “It is difficult to know that it is not an original product because the bottle is well-branded with Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS) mark; meaning that it is certified.

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