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  1. Edward III's Round Table at Windsor: The House of the Round Table and the Windsor Festival of 1344. OL 25968301M. Barnard, Toby. (2009) "The Viceregal Court in Later Seventeenth-Century Ireland", in Cruickshanks (ed) 2009. Bickham, George. (1753) Deliciæ Britannicæ; or, the Curiosities of Kensington, Hampton Court, and Windsor Castle, Delineated.

  2. The Merry Wives of Windsor or Sir John Falstaff and the Merry Wives of Windsor is a comedy by William Shakespeare first published in 1602, though believed to have been written in or before 1597. The Windsor of the play's title is a reference to the town of Windsor , also the location of Windsor Castle in Berkshire, England .

  3. After 1307, subsequent Habsburg attempts to gain the Bohemian crown were frustrated first by Henry of Bohemia (a member of the House of Gorizia) and then by the House of Luxembourg. Instead, they were able to expand southwards: in 1311, they took over Savinja ; after the death of Henry in 1335, they assumed power in Carniola and Carinthia ; and in 1369, they succeeded his daughter Margaret in ...

  4. ウィンザー家(House of Windsor)の元の家名(王朝名)はサクス=コバーグ=ゴータ家(House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)といった。これはヴィクトリア女王の夫(王配)アルバートの家名(その英語形)であった。

  5. Casato di Windsor (House of Windsor) è il nome della casa reale del Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord e degli altri reami del Commonwealth dal 1917. Il nome del casato sarebbe in realtà Sassonia-Coburgo-Gotha , ma è stato sostituito con Windsor per ordine in Consiglio del re Giorgio V .

  6. Edward reviewing a squad of SS with Robert Ley, 1937 Edward Duke of Windsor in 1945. After his abdication, he was given the title Duke of Windsor. He married Simpson in France on 3 June 1937. His brother and mother did not attend the ceremony. Many people became alarmed with what they thought was Edward's pro German stance.

  7. Huset Windsor har vært navnet på to ulike kongefamilier i Storbritannia, som begge er grener av to mer omfattende europeiske fyrsteslekter, henholdsvis Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha og Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, som begge har regjert i en rekke europeiske land.