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  1. John Zápolya or Szapolyai (Hungarian: Szapolyai/ Zápolya János; Croatian: Ivan Zapolja; Romanian: Ioan Zápolya; Slovak: Ján Zápoľský; 1487 – 22 July 1540), was King of Hungary (as John I) from 1526 to 1540. His rule was disputed by Archduke Ferdinand I, who also claimed the title King of Hungary.

    • Zápolya family

      The Szapolyai or Zápolya family was a noble family in the...

  2. Juan Segismundo de Zápolya (en húngaro: Szapolyai János Zsigmond) ( Buda, actual Budapest, 7 de julio de 1540 - Gyulafehérvár, 14 de marzo de 1571) fue un noble húngaro, conde de Szepes e hijo del rey Juan I de Hungría y de Isabela Jagellón de Hungría. Juan Segismundo fue el primer Príncipe de Transilvania (1541-1571), luego de que ...

  3. The siege of Buda was a military operation led by the Ottoman Empire with the aim of capturing Buda and installing John Zápolya as its ruler. Ferdinand I was able to defeat John Zápolya in September 1527 and have himself crowned in November.

    • 1529
    • Buda, Hungary
  4. The majority of the Hungarian noblemen elected as king one of their number, John Zápolya, but the most powerful noblemen proclaimed Louis II's brother-in-law, Ferdinand of Habsburg, the lawful monarch, leading to a civil war that lasted nearly two decades.

  5. John Zápolya or Szapolyai ( Hungarian: Szapolyai/ Zápolya János; Croatian: Ivan Zapolja; Romanian: Ioan Zápolya; Slovak: Ján Zápoľský; 1487 – 22 July 1540), was King of Hungary (as John I) from 1526 to 1540. His rule was disputed by Archduke Ferdinand I, who also claimed the title King of Hungary.