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  1. Legitimacy (family law) Legitimacy, in traditional Western common law, is the status of a child born to parents who are legally married to each other, and of a child conceived before the parents obtain a legal divorce.

  2. 17 de may. de 2022 · An illegitimate child is when the mother and father were not married at the time of the child’s birth. Other names for illegitimate children are natural born, bastard, and base-born. The less common words used were spurious, imputed, reputed, and misbegotten.[1]

  3. En el ámbito jurídico, el apoderamiento ilegítimo tiene por sí un valor y un significado propio e inconfundible. Significa ocupación, aprehensión material de una cosa, con ánimo de obtener el dominio de la misma. Constituye el despojo de la cosa, tomarla con propósito de quitársela a quien la tiene en su poder.

    • Proyectos Wikimedia, Datos: Q5701478
  4. 8 de feb. de 2024 · Not conforming to known principles, or established or accepted rules or standards . Synonym: invalid. Antonym: valid. Not in accordance with the law . Synonyms: illegal, illicit, unlawful. Antonym: legal. Not sanctioned by marriage . Born to unmarried parents . Synonyms: natural; see also Thesaurus: illegitimate.

  5. La recombinación no homóloga o recombinación ilegítima, es el proceso mediante el cual se unen dos segmentos bicatenarios de ADN no relacionados. Esta inserción de material genético que no está destinado a ser adyacente tiende a provocar que los genes se rompan, lo que hace que la proteína que codifican no se exprese ...

  6. In common law, legitimacy is the status of a child who is born to parents who are legally married to each another. In the opposite, illegitimacy describes someone whose parents were not married. Such a person was called "illegitimate", which literally meansnot legal” (against the law ). [1] .

  7. › social-sciences-and-law › lawIllegitimacy |

    18 de may. de 2018 · The term “illegitimacy” is derived from the Latin illegitimus, meaning “not in accordance with the law.”. An illegitimate child is one conceived and born outside of the regulatory sanctions of marriage. Although illegitimacy is a universal phenomenon, all societies prefer procreation only within marriage.