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  1. the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. "Cross Road Blues" is a song written by the American blues artist Robert Johnson. He sang it as a solo piece with acoustic slide guitar in the Delta blues style. The lyrics describe Johnson's grief at being unable to catch a ride at an intersection before the sun sets.

  2. Edipo rey (en griego Oι̉δίπoυς τύραννoς, Oidipous Tyrannos; en latín Oedipus Rex) es una tragedia griega de Sófocles, de fecha desconocida. Algunos indicios dicen que pudo ser escrita en los años posteriores a 430 a. C. 1 y que fue representada por primera vez alrededor del año 429 a. C. 2 . Originalmente, para los griegos de ...

  3. › wiki › TydeusTydeus - Wikipedia

    Tydeus and Ismene, Corinthian black-figure amphora, c. 560 BC, Louvre (E 640) The 7th century poet Mimnermus attributes the murder of Ismene, the sister of Antigone, to Tydeus. No other Classical writer mentions the story, but the scene is represented on a 6th-century Corinthian black-figure amphora now housed in the Louvre.

  4. Ismeno es el nombre de varios personajes de la mitología griega : Ismeno, un hijo de Pelagón que dio nombre al río anteriormente conocido como El pie de Cadmo. Ismeno, un dios del río que lleva su nombre hijo de Océano y Tetis o del dios fluvial Asopo y de Metope, la hija de Ladón. Ismeno, un hijo de Apolo y de Melia, una de las oceánides.

  5. › topics › ismeneIsmene – Mythopedia

    23 de ago. de 2023 · Ismene was a princess of Thebes, one of the children born from Oedipus ’ incestuous marriage to his mother Jocasta. Her siblings were Antigone, Eteocles, and Polynices. In one early myth, Ismene was killed by the Calydonian hero Tydeus at the instigation of Athena; this was punishment for taking Periclymenus (or Theoclymenus) as her lover.

  6. Ismene. Ismene có thể là: Chi thực vật Ismene thuộc họ Amaryllidaceae. Chi động vật Ismene thuộc họ Crambidae. Trang định hướng này liệt kê những bài viết liên quan đến tiêu đề Ismene. Nếu bạn đến đây từ một liên kết trong một bài, bạn có thể muốn sửa lại để liên ...

  7. Lift bulbs for winter and keep in a dry, frost free place. Under glass grow in a container of loam-based potting compost (JI No.2) with added leaf mould and grit in bright, filtered light. During the growing season, water freely and apply a general liquid fertiliser every 2-3 weeks. Stand container on a saucer of damp gravel to increase humidity.