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  1. La banda de James-Younger fue una de las pandillas criminales más reconocidas en los Estados Unidos durante el siglo XIX. La mayoría de sus miembros realizaron actividades guerrilleras en la Guerra de Secesión del lado confederado, e iniciaron sus fechorías el año de 1866.

  2. 8 de ago. de 2021 · A Texas judge has granted full custody of eight-year-old James Younger to his mother, who has fought publicly to transition her son into a girl against the father's wishes.

  3. 8 de sept. de 2022 · The Dallas Express has obtained court documents in the latest round of the legal fight between Jeff Younger and Anne Georgulas regarding the custody and care of their two children.

  4. 5 de may. de 2022 · Texas doctor, activist, and divorced mother Anne Georgulas began dressing her son James Younger as a girl from three years old. Based on the words of a therapist, she later claimed James suffered from gender dysphoria and needed chemical and surgical treatments to adopt a female identity as "Luna."

  5. Cómo la histórica derrota de la banda de James-Younger demostró la importancia de una ciudadanía bien armada y responsable. Los forajidos se encontraron con la horma de su zapato el 7 de septiembre de 1876. No cayeron ante los alguaciles federales, sino ante los habitantes de Northfield, Minnesota.

  6. 28 de dic. de 2022 · The Supreme Court of Texas will take up the custody case of James Younger, the North Texas child whose mother, Anne Georgulas, insists he identifies as a girl named Luna. The child’s father, Jeff Younger, objects to that contention, and the parents have fought it out in court for years.

  7. 5 de ago. de 2021 · Judge Mary Brown has granted full custody of eight-year-old James Younger to mother Anne Georgulas over the protests of father Jeff Younger, the latest order in a high-profile custody case.