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  1. The visionary constructor. Universal artist El Lissitzky (1890-1941) is one of the key protagonists of constructivism. The architect, photographer, designer, graphic artist and painter first studied architecture at Darmstadt Technical University (1909-14) and in Moscow (1914-18), and then followed Marc Chagall’s invitation to teach at Witebsk ...

  2. El Lissitzky, 1930. The 1920s marked a turning point for the arts in the Soviet Union, following the Russian Revolution. Practitioners of the arts, from poets to musicians and filmmakers, were conscious of the previous distance between the fine arts and the public, and in an effort to minimize said distance, turned to ways in which the arts ...

  3. This photomontage was certainly the image source for one of Lissitzky's most successful and popular Constructivist posters, announcing an exhibition of art from the USSR held in Zurich. The rendering of the Russian youths's faces, hair and expression is in direct correlation to the image offered here. The overlapping, or shared, eye is its most ...

  4. International Foundation for Art Research - In 1926, Sophie Küppers-Lissitzky loaned 13 artworks to the Provinzialmuseum (later the Landesmuseum) in Hanover, before leaving Germany for Russia, where she married the artist El Lissitzky. The works were seized as part of the Nazi campaign against degenerate art in 1937. In 1941, following...

  5. Verlag der Kunst lent these works to various exhibitions on El Lissitzky for example to the Sprengel Museum Hanover in 1988. After the fall of the wall in 1989 Jen Lissitzky emigrated to the West and shortly after Verlag der Kunst returned these original vintage prints to him." [2] MacGill/Walther 2001(4), p. 9; and Pasquer, letter to Hambourg.

  6. Jen Lissitzky, fillo de Sophie e El Lissitzky, saíu da Unión Soviética en 1989. Nos anos seguintes investigou o paradoiro da colección de arte da súa nai. No caso de once cadros de seu pai adquiridos pola "Galerie Gmurzynska" de Novosibirsk con sede en Colonia a mediados dos anos 70, alcanzouse un acordo logo dun xuízo de catro anos en 1993 ante o Tribunal Rexional Superior de Colonia.

  7. Sophie Lissitzky-Küppers behielt allerdings ihren Lebensmittelpunkt in Sibirien. 1958 unternahm sie eine Reise nach Deutschland und Österreich, ihr Sohn Jen musste als „Pfand“ zurückbleiben. In Hannover versuchte sie Auskunft über ihre Kunstsammlung zu bekommen, doch ihr wurde mitgeteilt, dass über den Verbleib der Gemälde nichts bekannt sei.