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  1. John Knox, engraving from Icones, by T. Beza, 1580. John Knox, (born c. 1514, near Haddington, East Lothian, Scot.—died Nov. 24, 1572, Edinburgh), Scottish clergyman, leader of the Scottish Reformation and founder of Scottish Presbyterianism. Probably trained for the priesthood at the University of St. Andrews, he was ordained in 1540.

  2. 约翰诺克斯高等教育学院的主要办学目的是装备教会,向全世界宣告和维护上帝全备的旨意。. 刚刚建立的教会,尤其是外国的一些教会,常常缺乏北美和欧洲的教会想当然地认为应当拥有的那些正规的教育资源。. 除此之外,这些教会建立的年日尚浅,缺乏新教 ...

  3. 23 de sept. de 2021 · John Knox was a Scottish cleric, (1513-1572), who died in poverty and was largely forgotten. However, he was one of the most important figures in the history of Scotland and he changed that nation and his influence is still felt to this day.

  4. John Knox. John Knox (1514?–1572) was a Scottish religious reformer who took the lead in reforming the Church in Scotland along Calvinist lines following his experience of working with John Calvin in Geneva. He is widely regarded as the father of the Protestant Reformation in Scotland and of the Church of Scotland.

  5. John Knox, born in approximately 1514 in Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland, is considered as one of the founders of the Scottish Reformation which was established in 1560. Knox’s unfortunate beginnings provided a catalyst for his ambitious revelations of reform and dedication to adapting the national beliefs of the Scottish realm.

  6. John Knox fue un escritor prolífico y un defensor de la fe y la doctrina reformadas. Algunos lo consideran el padre fundador del puritanismo inglés. Aunque solo una fracción de sus escritos ha sobrevivido hasta el presente, Knox nos ha dejado un legado de teología reformada como un predicador apasionado y un reformador prominente.

  7. 26 de abr. de 2021 · John Knox se convirtió en su capellán, cargo que simultaneó con la redacción de los artículos anglicanos y otras obras de naturaleza religiosa a las que dotó de una fuerte orientación calvinista. La subida al trono de la católica María Tudor lo hizo huir de nuevo a la Europa continental.

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