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  1. › wiki › 1670s1670s - Wikipedia

    January 17 – Raphael Levy, a Jewish resident of the city of Metz in France, is burned at the stake after being accused of the September 25 abduction and ritual murder of a child who had disappeared from the village of Glatigny. The prosecutor applies to King Louis XIV for an order expelling all 95 Jewish families from Metz, but the king refuses.

  2. 2 de mayo: Fundación de la Compañía de la Bahía de Hudson en Inglaterra. 26 de mayo: Luis XIV de Francia y Carlos II de Inglaterra firman en secreto el Tratado de Dover. Por este tratado terminan las hostilidades entre los dos reinos, proveyendo Francia fondos a Inglaterra para combatir a los neerlandeses y restaurar el catolicismo.

  3. 14 de jul. de 2020 · T he 1670s in womenswear saw the broader adoption of brocade fabrics and a trend for looping the skirt up into a bustle, revealing a contrasting petticoat. As Valerie Cumming describes in A Visual History of Costume: The Seventeenth Century (1984): “The long, trained skirt was, by now, invariably looped back into a low bustle, revealing the petticoats” (110).

  4. This page was last changed on 7 March 2023, at 21:51. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License and the GFDL; additional terms may apply.