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  1. The Prussian Army had its roots in the core mercenary forces of Brandenburg-Prussia during the Thirty Years' War of 1618–1648. Elector Frederick William developed it into a viable standing army, while King Frederick William I of Prussia dramatically increased its size and improved its doctrines.

  2. El Ejército de Prusia (en alemán: Königlich Preußische Armee) era el ejército del antiguo Reino de Prusia. Fue vital para que Brandeburgo-Prusia se convirtiera en una potencia europea. El ejército prusiano tiene su origen en el pequeño número de mercenarios de Brandeburgo que participaron en la guerra de los Treinta Años.

  3. the Prussian system... was based on service of only three years with the colors... and four years in the reserve. The Prussian standing army had become simply a training cadre for the intake of conscripts. The Prussian army's organization for peace and war was virtually the same.

    • 13,250,000+ (total served; 1914–18)
    • German Emperor
  4. Summarize this article for a 10 year old. SHOW ALL QUESTIONS. The Royal Prussian Army (1701–1919, German: Königlich Preußische Armee) served as the army of the Kingdom of Prussia. It became vital to the development of Prussia as a European power.

  5. Orden de batalla de la guerra franco-prusiana. Este es el orden de batalla de los Ejércitos francés y alemán al inicio de la guerra franco-prusiana en 1870.