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  1. › wiki › XenuXenu - Wikipedia

    Summary A DC-8 aircraft in 2004. Hubbard described Xenu's spacecraft as looking exactly like DC-8s without "fans" (meaning the jet engines, or turbofans).. The story of Xenu is covered in OT III, part of Scientology's secret "Advanced Technology" doctrines taught only to advanced members who have undergone many hours of auditing and reached the state of Clear followed by Operating Thetan ...

    • 1 de xunu

      1801 - Brigham Young, fundador de la Ilesia Mormón y de la...

  2. › wiki › QunuQunu - Wikipedia

    In his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, Mandela describes Qunu as the place where he spent the happiest moments of his childhood. The remains of four of Mandela's children were originally buried here, but were exhumed by one of his grandsons, Mandla Mandela. Mandla reburied the remains in Mvezo, the village of which he was chief.

  3. Revolt in the Stars is a science fiction film screenplay written by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard in 1977. [1] It tells the space opera story of how an evil galactic dictator, named Xenu, massacres many of his subjects by transporting them to Earth and killing them with atomic bombs. L.

  4. › wiki › 1_de_xunetu1 de xunetu - Wikipedia

    1905 - Fúndase'l Real Sporting de Xixón. 1916 - Entra en vigor n' Estaos Xuníos la denominada Llei seca que prohibía la venta de bebíes alcohóliques. 1924 - Kawasaki conviértese oficialmente en ciudá. 1957 - Aniciu del Añu Xeofísicu Internacional. 1960 - Somalia algama la independencia d' Italia y del Reinu Xuníu.

  5. 1913: es fundado en Chile el Liceo José Victorino Lastarria. 1918: en el marco de la Primera Guerra Mundial se libra la batalla de Belleau Wood: las fuerzas aliadas bajo el mando de John J. Pershing y James Harbord vencen a las fuerzas alemanas. 1920: en Berlín se inaugura la primera exposición universal del dadaísmo.

  6. Xunyu (en chino: 獯鬻; chino antiguo: * qʰun-lug) es el nombre de una antigua tribu nómada que invadió China durante tiempos legendarios. A menudo se los identifica con Xiongnu . Identificación. Los anales chinos contienen varias referencias a los Xunyu.