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  1. Hace 6 horas · Dar, combinată cu demersurile expuse mai sus, această formulă poate încă să ajute la evitarea unui război pentru Taiwan. Joseph S. Nye, Jr., profesor emerit al Harvard Kennedy School şi fost vicesecretar SUA al Apărării, e autorul, printre altele, al volumului de memorii A Life in the American Century (Polity Press, 2024).

  2. Hace 6 horas · 個人的には『ハンニバル』の頭パッカリが印象的なレイ・リオッタ。 映画一覧 Image Title 公開 興行収入 (米国) tomato meter review count audience score audience count Ge

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  4. Hace 6 horas · Patrick F. Kennedy: 1971 SFS Under Secretary of State for Management, 2007–2017 Robert M. Kimmitt: 1977 Law Acting U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, 2006; Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, 2005–09; United States Ambassador to Germany, 1991–93; Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, 1989–91 Robert Mosbacher Jr. 1973 Col

  5. Hace 6 horas · Wajah-wajah warga Makassar setelah Jepang kalah perang, 1945