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  1. › wiki › LaicismLaicism - Wikipedia

    Laicism or religious rationalism refers to the policies and principles where the state plays a more active role in excluding religious visibility from the public domain. [1] . The term laïcité was coined in 1871 by French educator and later Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ferdinand Buisson, who advocated a religion-free school curriculum.

    • Laïcité

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  2. El laicismo es la doctrina, corriente de pensamiento, ideología, movimiento político, legislación o política de gobierno de lo laico 1 2 , que defiende o favorece la existencia de una sociedad organizada de manera aconfesional, es decir, de forma independiente o, en su caso, ajena a los preceptos de las confesiones religiosas.

  3. The Act respecting the laicity of the State (French: Loi sur la laïcité de l'État), introduced and commonly referred to as Bill 21 or Law 21, is a statute passed by the National Assembly of Quebec in 2019 which asserts that Quebec is a lay state (secular state).

    • An Act respecting the laicity of the State, CQLR c L-0.3
    • June 16, 2019
  4. 28 de mar. de 2024 · laïcité (usually uncountable, plural laïcités) Secularism and strict separation of church and state characteristic of France since the Third Republic and of Quebec since the Quiet Revolution.

  5. France was then governed by the Bloc des gauches (Left Coalition) led by Émile Combes. The law was based on three principles: the neutrality of the state, the freedom of religious exercise, and public powers related to the church. This law is seen as the backbone of the French principle of laïcité (secularism).