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  1. Ruthenian (рускаꙗ мова, рускїй ѧзыкъ; [1] [2] see also other names) is an exonymic linguonym for a closely related group of East Slavic linguistic varieties, particularly those spoken from the 15th to 18th centuries in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and in East Slavic regions of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.

    • Ruthenians

      The Ruthenian language (Ruthenian: рускаꙗ мова, рускїй...

    • Rusyn language

      For Austro-Hungarian state authorities, the entire East...

  2. Ruthenian was the term used to describe the written medium (initially based on spoken Belarusian) that functioned as the official or chancellery language of the grand duchy of Lithuania and to refer to the spoken, or simple ( prosta ), language of the duchy’s East Slavic inhabitants (present-day Belarusians and Ukrainians ).

  3. El ruteno (también conocido como ucraniano antiguo o bielorruso antiguo; en ruteno: руский языкъ, no confundirse con el autoglotónimo del ruso 1 2 ), es un término usado para denominar las distintas variedades del eslavónico oriental habladas en el Gran Ducado de Lituania y más tarde en los territorios eslavo-orientales de Polonia-Lituania.

  4. Rusyn is an East Slavic language spoken in Slovakia, Serbia, Poland, Ukraine, Croatia, Hungary, Czechia, and other parts of Eastern Europe. In the year 2000 there were about 636,000 speakers of Rusyn, which is also known as Ruthene or Ruthenian in English.

  5. Contenidos. ocultar. Inicio. Nombres. Véase también. Referencias. Idioma ucraniano antiguo. El Idioma ucraniano antiguo ( ucraniano: Староукраї́нська мо́ва) es el idioma predecesor del ucraniano moderno que existió entre los siglos XIV y XVIII. En esa época el idioma se conocía como « руська мова» ( idioma ruteno o idioma rus′).