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  1. Langston Hughes. James Mercer Langston Hughes (February 1, 1901 [1] – May 22, 1967) was an American poet, novelist, playwright and short story writer. Hughes was one of the writers and artists whose work was called the Harlem Renaissance . Hughes grew up as a poor boy from Missouri, the descendant of African people who had been taken to ...

  2. 3 de jun. de 2016 · A leading force in the Harlem Renaissance, a poet, a scholar, an activist, and a black man, Langston Hughes spoke unashamedly of his experiences with racism in a still heavily segregated America. What he discussed less, leaving ample space for speculation, was sexuality, specifically his own. While there is a general agreement of some level of ...

  3. James Mercer Langston Hughes naquit le 1er février 1902 à Joplin dans le Missouri. Ecrivain versatile et talentueux, il fut à la fois romancier, nouvelliste, dramaturge, essayiste, « poète-lauréat du peuple noir ». Significative est la dette de Langston Hughes à l’égard de la « Renaissance de Harlem ». En effet, ce mouvement est marqué par l’émancipation culturelle et ...

  4. Primeiros anos. Langston Hughes nasceu em Joplin, Missouri, em 1902. Seu pai se divorciou de sua mãe logo depois e os deixou para viajar. Como resultado da separação, ele foi criado principalmente por sua avó, Mary Langston, que teve uma forte influência sobre Hughes, educando-o nas tradições orais de seu povo e imprimindo nele um sentimento de orgulho; ela era mencionada com ...

  5. Langston Hughes (1901–1967) was a poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, columnist, and a significant figure of the Harlem Renaissance. Born in Joplin, Missouri, Hughes was the descendant of enslaved African American women and white slave owners in Kentucky. He attended high school in Cleveland, Ohio, where he wrote his first poetry ...

  6. Langston Hughes, among the most versatile and prolific of modern American authors, achieved distinction in poetry, fiction, and drama. Race is at the center of his work–the beauty, dignity, and heritage of blacks in America. But Hughes was never racist–he always sought to speak to all Americans, especially on the larger issues of social ...

  7. 26 de dic. de 2019 · Langston Hughes è nato a Joplin, Missouri, nel 1902. Suo padre ha divorziato dalla madre poco dopo e li ha lasciati per viaggiare. Come risultato della divisione, è stato cresciuto principalmente da sua nonna, Mary Langston, che ha avuto una forte influenza su Hughes, educandolo alle tradizioni orali della sua gente e imprimendo in lui un senso di orgoglio; è stata citata spesso nelle sue ...

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