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  1. Langston Hughes. James Mercer Langston Hughes ( Joplin, 1 de fevereiro de 1902 – Nova Iorque, 22 de maio de 1967) foi um poeta, ativista social, novelista, dramaturgo, comunista e colunista norte-americano, tendo escrito para o jornal de Joplin, Missouri.

  2. Langston Hughes (1936) James Mercer Langston Hughes ( Joplin, 1º febbraio 1901 – New York, 22 maggio 1967) è stato un poeta, scrittore, drammaturgo e giornalista statunitense .

  3. Langston Hughes was a central figure in the Harlem Renaissance, the flowering of black intellectual, literary, and artistic life that took place in the 1920s in a number of American cities, particularly Harlem. A major poet, Hughes also wrote novels, short stories, essays, and plays....

  4. 26 de dic. de 2019 · Early Years . Langston Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri, in 1902. His father divorced his mother shortly thereafter and left them to travel. As a result of the split, he was primarily raised by his grandmother, Mary Langston, who had a strong influence on Hughes, educating him in the oral traditions of his people and impressing upon him a sense of pride; she was referred to often in his poems.

  5. Langston Hughes, American writer who was an important figure in the Harlem Renaissance and who vividly depicted the African American experience through his writings, which ranged from poetry and plays to novels and newspaper columns. Learn more about Hughes’s life and work.

  6. Biografía de Langston Hughes. Langston Hughes nació el 1 de febrero de 1901 en Joplin, Missouri, de padres James Hughes y Carrie Langston Hughes. Sus padres se separaron cuando él era pequeño y se fue a vivir con su abuela, Mary Langston, a Lawrence, Kansas. Mientras vivía con ella, le enseñó tradiciones orales africanas y le inculcó un ...

  7. James Langston Hughes is born in Joplin, Missouri, later moving to the Lawrence, Kansas home of his grandmother Mary Langston with his mother Carrie when his father departs for Cuba. Hughes stays primarily with his grandmother during his early childhood while his mother moves about seeking jobs.

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