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  1. 29 de may. de 2018 · KRONECKER, LEOPOLD (1823–1891), German mathematician. He was born in Liegnitz, brother of Hugo *Kronecker. Following the death of his uncle, a successful banker, Kronecker entered the business world. He prospered and was able to retire after eight years and devote the remainder of his life to the study of mathematics.

  2. Sus padres contrataron tutores privados para instruir al joven Leopold hasta que el momoento en que entró en el Gymnasium de Liegnitz, su ciudad natal. Kronecker empezó a aprender matemáticas en esta etapa con Kummer. Éste inmediatamente reconoció el talento de Kronecker y le empujó hacia la investigación.

  3. Leopold Kronecker. Leopold Kronecker ( 7 December 1823 Liegnitz, Prussia - 29 December 1891) was a German mathematician of Jewish descent. At first he was a business man and earned a lot of money. Then he devoted himself to mathematics. He is famous for his work on number theory, determinant and algebra. He criticized Cantor 's work on set theory.

  4. Leopold Kronecker (December 7, 1823 – December 29, 1891) was a German mathematician and logician who argued that arithmetic and analysis must be founded on "whole numbers", saying, "God made the integers; all else is the work of man" (Bell 1986, p. 477). This put Kronecker in bitter opposition to some of the mathematical extensions of Georg ...

  5. レオポルト・クロネッカー ( Leopold Kronecker, 1823年 12月7日 - 1891年 12月29日 [1] )は ドイツ の 数学者 である。. リーグニッツ (現在の ポーランド ・レグニツァ)生まれ。. ユダヤ系 。. 裕福な家庭に生まれ、満ち足りた教育を受けた彼は、 ヤコビ ...

  6. Leopold Kronecker je rođen 7. prosinca 1823. u Liegnitzu (tadašnja Pruska), u bogatoj židovskoj obitelji. Kronecker je pohađao Gimnaziju u Liegnitzu gdje se interesirao za razna područja; znanost i matematiku, povijest i filozofiju. Njegov potencijal uočio je Ernst Kummer, s kojim razvija dugogodišnje prijateljstvo. Godine 1841.

  7. Leopold Kronecker1823-1891 German mathematician whose primary contributions dealt with elliptic functions and algebraic theory. Independently wealthy, Kronecker did not have to work and pursued mathematics for the love of the field. He became the editor of Crelle's journal after Crelle's death in 1855. Although he made significant contributions ...